All Stories published by Medium Coronavirus Blog on October 02, 2020

Biden Isn’t in the Clear Just Yet

As senior writer Dana Smith reports for GEN, Joe Biden’s negative Covid-19 test doesn’t mean he definitely doesn’t have the virus. She reports:

It can take anywhere from two to 14 days for Covid-19 symptoms to emerge. During this incubation…

The Latest: Trump tests positive. Here are the facts.

Dear Reader,

What a day. President Donald Trump has tested positive for Covid-19, as well as first lady Melania Trump, Trump’s advisor Hope Hicks, and others. By now, you probably know this. We figured that…

Contact Tracing President Donald Trump

As senior writer Dana Smith reports for Elemental, Trump’s diagnosis raises a lot of questions about how to contain the Covid-19 cluster that he is a part of, including: How did he contract the virus, and who else might he have infected? Two epidemiologists…