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September marks six months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus a pandemic. Today, I’m sharing several stories published in Elemental, Medium’s in-house health publication…
The drug company Eli Lilly released some early data on a drug they are studying for…
In a new story looking at what scientists have learned about Covid-19 transmission over the last six months, writer Dana Smith details the new thinking around how the virus…
A new story published in Bloomberg looks at the planning underway to prepare for people returning to offices in New York City, which was initially one of the hardest-hit spots in the U.S. at the start of the pandemic. In pretty much every scenario there’s expected…
The 2020–2021 school year will be one for the history books. Here are some stories about how parents are navigating the uncertainty.
It’s unclear. But as Shin Jie Yong reports, in a 2019 review published in the journal Clinical Microbiology Reviews, pediatric infectious disease specialists at the University of Melbourne, Petra Zimmermann, MD, PhD and Nigel Curtis…