Young People and Coronavirus

What’s behind the surge?

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


Covid-19 cases are surging in young people. Diagnosed infections are soaring among younger people, reports Robert Roy Britt in Elemental, with the majority of new cases in several regions now being seen among people under age 50, and significant increases among teens and young adults. Britt writes:

Without new or renewed efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus, the skew to younger carriers will likely initially cause the death rate to fall, since the virus is deadlier for older people, explains Thomas Tsai, MD, a surgeon and health policy researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. But the overall rising number of infections will likely drive the daily death toll back up again eventually, due to sheer numbers of infections.

The trend could cause the pandemic to get even worse this fall, Tsai and other health experts say.

Read more below.



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