Yale Faculty Release Statement on Hydroxychloroquine and Covid-19

Several health experts at Yale have published a signed letter expressing their concern about the advocacy of their colleague, Dr. Harvey Risch, who is promoting hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment. They write:

“As his colleagues, we defend the right of Dr. Risch, a respected cancer epidemiologist, to voice his opinions. But he is not an expert in infectious disease epidemiology and he has not been swayed by the body of scientific evidence from rigorously conducted clinical trials, which refute the plausibility of his belief and arguments. Over the last few weeks, all of us have spent considerable time explaining the evidence behind HCQ research, as it applies to early and late stage Covid-19 patients to the scientific community and general public, and now are compelled to detail the evidence in this open letter.”

Read the full letter below.



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