Why Covid-19 Myocarditis Appears Less Concerning in Athletes Now

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog
1 min readSep 28, 2020


Signs of heart disease among athletes with Covid-19 was a great concern. Now however new data suggests that the heart issues may not be related (in some cases). Here’s what Bo Stapler, MD, reports:

“A study of 26 athletes at Ohio State University (OSU) found 15% to have CMR findings suggestive of myocarditis. But none of them had cardiac-specific symptoms, elevated troponin, or EKG changes. The study’s lead author, Saurabh Rajpal, MD, reported that the findings “could suggest prior myocardial injury or it could suggest athletic myocardial adaptation.”

Studies thus far using CMR to evaluate patients with Covid-19 have largely been retrospective rather than prospective and lacked key comparison groups such as those with myocarditis related to other viruses. Dr. Rajpal further explains, “I don’t think this is a Covid-specific issue. We have seen myocarditis after other viral infections; it’s just Covid-19 is the most studied thus far.”

Read the full story below.



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