How South Korea Is Reopening

Here’s the country’s playbook

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


The Wall Street Journal reports that after two months of intensive lockdown measures, South Korea is ready to reopen. The country also has a thorough plan for the delicate transition.

This includes:

  • Everyone in offices wearing masks.
  • During meals diners will sit next to each other or in a zigzag pattern, but not directly across from each other.
  • Hotel rooms will be ventilated for 15 minutes after people check out.
  • Visitors at zoos and aquariums must stand six feet apart.
  • Shouting, hugging, and high fives will be discouraged at sporting events.
  • At weddings or funerals people must stay three feet apart, and a “prevention officer” must be appointed by the venue to take temperatures and monitor symptoms like coughing.

Read the full story below.



Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog

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