UV Light Is a Disinfectant to Consider

Here’s how experts think it could help the pandemic

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


Could UV light technologies be helpful during Covid-19? As Julie Halpert reports for OneZero, ultraviolet germicidal radiation, which uses short-wavelength UV rays to kill bacteria and viruses, is already used to disinfect air, water, and surfaces in limited settings and could be helpful for the pandemic.

Convinced that the technology can be an important tool against Covid-19, a number of companies are pushing ahead. One that reports its product can kill SARS-CoV-2 is Xenex Disinfection Services, Inc., which makes R2-D2-like germ-zapping robots that are primarily used in health care facilities. These robots use a xenon lamp to emit pulses of broad-spectrum, high-intensity UV light that disinfect a room.

Read the full story below.



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