Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog
1 min readApr 17, 2020


Time to put the vape away: It’s becoming clear that certain risk factors lead to more severe cases of Covid-19. Obesity and serious heart conditions are some likely culprits, but emerging evidence also points to a problematic habit: vaping. Studies suggest that, similar to smoking, using e-cigarettes causes lung injury that increases the likelihood of having severe Covid-19.

We’re all becoming altruists: You might expect that people would adopt an “every human for themselves” mentality during a crisis, but in reality, the pandemic may be making us more altruistic. In this interview with Elemental, Stanford psychology professor Jamil Zaki, PhD, says that during disasters, “people are actually much kinder and more prosocial toward each other.” Read the full interview below.



Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog

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