Medium Coronavirus Blog

A former blog from Medium for Covid-19 news, advice, and commentary. Currently inactive and not…

The Latest: Bizarre symptoms and experimental treatments


Dear Reader,

As I shelter in place here in New York City, I’ve been moved by the dispatches from the brave health workers on the front lines, including this ER physician dealing with a lack of equipment and loneliness.

It’s difficult to know how to help (besides staying indoors as much as possible), but here’s a roundup of ideas.

And it’s okay if you feel really anxious right now. The human brain cannot stand uncertainty. But there are ways around it, including reading accurate, expert-backed information, and taking time away from the news to focus on other things that you enjoy.

Speaking of expert-backed information: Follow our Medium Coronavirus Blog for updates.

What’s new:

To help you better understand the rapidly changing situation, we’ve curated some essential stories below.

Be well,

Alexandra Sifferlin
Editor, Medium Coronavirus Blog

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A Quick Q&A:

Did You Have Coronavirus Without Knowing It?

Health experts say the virus has likely been in some U.S. communities for weeks and some people have surely had it without realizing. “Yes, it’s possible you may have had it and didn’t know it,” says Dr. Lee Riley, MD, chair of the division of infectious disease and vaccinology at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health. The more recently you were sick, he says, the greater the odds that it could have been Covid-19.

Depending on the area of the country a person lives in, it’s likely that some small percentage of the population had Covid-19 several weeks ago — or, in the case of places like Seattle, even a month ago or longer — and didn’t know it. Is there any way to know for sure? If your symptoms are gone, probably not. Thankfully, testing is (slowly) increasing in the U.S. If you think you have Covid-19, reach out to your doctor.

Read the full story here

Essential How-Tos and Explainers:

What to Do if You Think You Have Coronavirus

5 Coronavirus Facts to Use on Anyone Who Isn’t Listening

Science-Backed Ways to Exercise and Stay Healthy During Covid-19

What’s the Deal With Chloroquine?

The Life and Times of Coronavirus:

The Long-Haul Trucker Who Keeps the Goods Moving

What It’s Like to Be a Wedding Planner During the Coronavirus Pandemic

What it’s Like to be a Flight Attendant During Coronavirus

Longer Reads:

We’ll Be Different On the Other Side

The Science Behind Covid-19 Testing, and Where the U.S. Went Wrong

Will Airbnb and Other IPO Hopefuls Still Go Public In the Middle of a Pandemic?

Coronavirus Is Spurring a New Era of Digital Funerals



Medium Coronavirus Blog
Medium Coronavirus Blog

Published in Medium Coronavirus Blog

A former blog from Medium for Covid-19 news, advice, and commentary. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Alexandra Sifferlin
Alexandra Sifferlin

Written by Alexandra Sifferlin

Health and science journalist. Former editor of Medium’s Covid-19 Blog and deputy editor at Elemental. TIME Magazine writer before that

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