Personal Stories From the Thick of It

Essays from people touched by the coronavirus

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


One of the most remarkable and heartbreaking parts of the pandemic is that it impacts everyone in different ways. We’ve pulled together some of the most powerful personal perspectives we’ve read recently—from someone recently released from prison, to someone stuck in a border detention center. You can share your own story on Medium, too.

I Advocated to Shut Down New York. I Think 1.2 Million May Already Have Been Infected

Why I Donated My DNA to Help Stop the Coronavirus

I’m Stuck in Isolation With the Man Who’s Divorcing Me

I’m Being Held at a Border Detention Center. I’m Scared They’ll Let Us Die.

“You Can’t Kill a Legend” — My Mother’s Battle Against Covid-19

Immigrant, Harvard Dad, NYC Cab Driver: A Son’s Tribute to a Father Lost to Covid-19



Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog

A real-time resource for news, advice, and commentary brought to you by Medium.