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How to Make Sex Safer During the Coronavirus Pandemic
How to navigate a safe sex life
What will sex look like post quarantine? “It’s unreasonable to expect people will remain celibate until there’s a vaccine for the novel coronavirus,” writes Naveen Kumar for Elemental. Is there a way for people to resume sex lives and stay safe? Kumar reports:
Because Covid-19 is primarily spread through respiratory droplets from the nose and mouth, the bottom line is any in-person interaction could lead to exposure. “If you’re going to be in any kind of close contact, including sex, kissing,” holding hands, or even standing close to people whose infection status you don’t know, “then there’s always a risk of transmission,” says Stacey A. Rizza, MD, an infectious disease specialist at the Mayo Clinic.
Engaging in sex during the pandemic requires a lot of personal risk assessment. Read the story below for expert advice.