How to Gather Safely

No gathering is risk-free, but there are tips for how to see people and stay safe

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


If it’s okay to gather, how do you do it safely? Depending on where you live, your community may be reopening in some way. In some places, gatherings of 10 people and fewer are allowed. But even if it’s allowed, how exactly is that navigated safely? As Forge editor Michelle Woo writes, gatherings—ideally small and outdoors—are increasing.

We are very much still in a pandemic and the only zero-risk way to be together right now is over Zoom or House Party. But as states reopen, leaders begin explicitly allowing for small group gatherings, and prolonged social isolation takes a deeper toll on our mental health, some of us may find ourselves toying with the idea of attending, or even hosting, a socially distanced get-together. This can get dicey. People have different ideas about what’s “safe,” (and as the recent infection spikes in several states have shown, following your local guidance isn’t necessarily a way to minimize risk) so for any type of hangout to work, it’s important that everyone attending is on the same page.

Woo offers expert-backed tips to stay safe during changes in pandemic protocols. One important tip to keep in mind is that not everyone is going to be on the same page when it comes to risk. It’s important to be mindful of people’s comfort levels as well as your own.

Read the full story below.



Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog

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