How Covid-19 Takes Advantage of Weaknesses

Physician Austin Perlmutter, MD explains the nature of opportunistic infection and Covid-19:

As the pandemic rages on, scientific data has emerged indicating the virus does not affect everyone equally. Some people, especially those with pre-existing medical issues, are several times more likely to suffer severe complications from Covid-19, including death. Even early on in the spread of infection, we saw that conditions like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, obesity, and even smoking were associated with an increased risk for serious complications and death from the virus. These risk factors, of course, mirror the list of top contributors to death worldwide. As a broader understanding of Covid-19 evolved, people with preexisting conditions were told to take extra care in avoiding possible exposure. In our haste to protect people, we may have missed the most valuable takeaway from this growing pattern.

Read the full story below.



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