Embrace Masks and a Better Future

Masks are more than just a health precaution

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


Denying masks means denying anything must change. As Colin Horgan writes in GEN, the pandemic has been truly awful. It has also offered an opportunity to rethink current systems and envision a better future. A backlash against masks threatens that better future. Horgan writes:

Denying the need for a mask, and thus the virus, is about more than just picking a political side or believing that this denial can somehow repel the disease. Denying the mask actually means denying that anything must, or can, change. It means favoring the reassertion of the exact economic, political, and ideological systems that were called into question at the onset of the pandemic. Or, as it’s usually expressed: “getting things back to normal.”

Read the full story below.



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