Do You Want to See What Covid-19 Vaccination Looks Like?

Finally, there’s a turning point in the pandemic

Dr Jeff Livingston
Medium Coronavirus Blog


Author’s original image

Many frontline healthcare workers received the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccination this week. After nine months of working in fear, we reached a historic moment.

There’s some who fear the vaccine was rushed or not adequately studied. But the Pfizer vaccine study included a mind-blowing number of 44,000 participants. Tobias Hermes explains why we trust the science in The Vaccine is Here — Now What?. encourages doctors to share their experience to help bring vaccine confidence worldwide. My team is sharing on Twitter using #vaccinechallenge. Join us!

Below is what happened when I got my Covid-19 vaccine.

It was simple, painless, and life-saving. Watch what happens here:



Dr Jeff Livingston
Medium Coronavirus Blog

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of & founder of