Can You Get Coronavirus Through the Eyes?

In a story for Elemental, writer and neurobiology postgrad Shin Jie Yong details what the latest science says about Covid-19 and the eyes, including what the research says about Covid-19 eye transmission. Here’s an excerpt:

“There are…anecdotal reports of Covid-19 transmission via the eyes — specifically of health care workers who wore masks and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) but no eye protection and somehow contracted Covid-19 and conjunctivitis.

But the verdict as to transmission via the eyes remains unclear. “Although there is currently no confirmed conjunctival transmission route, the authors agree with the WHO and other organizations’ recommendations that PPE must include eye protection such as goggles or face shields,” stated the June review.

While Covid-19 eye transmission may be possible, it is likely rarer than contaminated droplets entering the respiratory tract.”

Read the full story below.



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