An Update on the Virus

There’s still unknowns but data suggests some reasons why certain infections are so severe

Coronavirus Blog Team
Medium Coronavirus Blog


Some new learnings about the coronavirus. There’s still much unknown about the virus that causes Covid-19, but as time goes on scientists are learning more and more. This recent New York Times article provides a helpful summary of some newer discoveries:

“…coronavirus patients are most infectious two to three days before symptoms begin, less so after the illness really hits.

Some people are generous transmitters of the coronavirus; others are stingy. So-called super-spreaders seem to be particularly gifted in transmitting it, although it’s unclear whether that’s because of their biology or their behavior.

On the receiving end, the shape of a person’s nostrils and the amount of nose hair and mucus present — as well as the distribution of certain cellular receptors in the airway that the virus needs to latch on to — can all influence how much virus it takes to become infected.

A higher dose is clearly worse, though, and that may explain why some young health care workers have fallen victim even though the virus usually targets older people.”

Read the full story below.



Coronavirus Blog Team
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