A Baby With Protective Antibodies Was Born to a Mom Who Got a Covid-19 Vaccine

Florida researchers find more great news for pregnant people

Dr Jeff Livingston
Medium Coronavirus Blog


Close up and focus of newborn baby wrapped in white blanket against moms chest
Photo: sippakorn Istock/Getty images

No pregnant person’s birth plan was to deliver their baby during a global pandemic. The more than 3.7 million individuals who give birth in the United States per year are looking for answers regarding Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy.

A new preprint study from the Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine shows more great news about vaccination during pregnancy. Their research confirmed the first known case of a baby born with detectable protective antibodies after maternal Covid-19 vaccination.

The paper, titled “Newborn Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 detected in cord blood after maternal vaccination,” follows the clinical course of a pregnant health care worker who received the first dose of the Moderna mRNA vaccine. Florida Atlantic University offered all front-line health care workers the vaccine. The mother had no previous known Covid-19 infection, and she qualified for and received her vaccination in week 36 of her pregnancy.

Three weeks later, she had a spontaneous vaginal delivery at term (39 weeks gestation). After delivery, she received her second dose, as per Moderna’s standard 28-day vaccine process…



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